1. Sit on the floor and place the soles of your feet together, keep your back as straight as possible.


2. Keeping the soles of your feet together pull your feet towards your body as far as is possible without excessive straining.


3. Place your hands on your knees and push down.


OBJECT: Keep the back straight.

To get the back of the heels to touch the groin.

To get the knees to touch the floor.


HOLDING TIME: Stay in prelotus for as long as it takes you to normally breath in and out 8 times.


REPEATING: Repeat 2 times.


RESTING: Rest for as long as it takes you to normally breath in and out 4 - 5 times before repeating or going on to the next step.




Increases blood flow in the ovaries and testes. Excellent for PMS and erection problems. Recommended for urinary disorder. Increases the elasticity of the vaginal muscles and helps in pain during childbirth.


Tapen Sinha
