
Research Papers

  1. "Remarks on Material Implication in Orthomodular Lattices". C.R. Math. rep. Acad. Sci. Canada.
  2. "A Structure Sheaf for Semiprime Rings". Communications in Algebra 17, 11, 1989.
  3. "A Characterization of Nuclei in Modular and Quantic Lattices". Journal of Pure & Applied Algebra 73, 1991.
  4. "On Integral Algebras and Lifting of Prime Ideals". Comunicaciones & Aportaciones Matemáticas, 1990.
  5. "Quantum Logic Revisited". Foundations of Physics, 21, 6, 1991.
  6. "The Lambek Sheaf Reexamined". Communications in Algebra, 19, 8, 1991.
  7. "Quantic Lattices". International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 30, 12, 1991.
  8. "Noncommutativity and Transition Probability in Quantum Mechanics": International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 32, 6, 1993.
  9. "Noncommutativity of Quantum Observables". International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 32, 8, 1993.
  10. "Variable Capital Utilization in a General Equilibrium, "Supply Side" Model". Working Paper, 1998.
  11. "Remarks on Variable Utilization of Capital", Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Economic Association, 1998. (pdf.text)
  12. "Endogenous Capital Utilization and the Averch-Johnson Effect". Pennsylvania Economic Review, Otoño 1999. (pdf.text)
  13. "Representing Subjective Orderings of Random Variables: an Extensión". Working Paper, 2000. (pdf.text), published in Journal of Mathematical Economics, 36, July 2001.
  14. "Endogenous Capital Utilization in a Neoclassical growth Model". Atlantic Economic Journal 29-2, June 2001 (pdf.text)
  15. "Una Interpretación Económica del Factor de Integración". Con Héctor Lomelí, Miscelánea Matemática 35, 65-75, mayo 2002. (pdf.text)
  16. "La Transformada de Laplace en Economía". Con Héctor Lomelí, Gaceta de Economía 8-15, pp.103-115, 2003. (pdf.text)
  17. “La Paradoja de Euler”, con Héctor Lomelí, por aparecer en Miscelánea Matemática